Thursday, February 19, 2009

Learning New Things.

I am guilty!! yes, I caved in and let Rits stay home today!! He was up at 2am complaining of a sore throat, so I gave him something to make him comfortable and decided to let him sleep in. He woke up at around 8am and still felt a little off color. Luckily he didn't have a fever so I knew it wasn't anything serious.
Staying home seemed to feel like a treat to him so we had to balance some TLC with a little school work.

Once he was ready and feeling a bit better he had to read and do some of his work book. He tried to distract me from doing some work, but once I explained that I need to do a couple of hours of work because this is when I usually do it, he understood and left me alone. I was quite impressed! He had another outlet for all his energy....he hung out with his dad instead. I called it bonding time!!

I find that in today's society it's difficult for kids to get equal time with both parents. One or sometimes both parents are usually out of the home, working hard to support the family. We were in the same boat when we had our business. Sunny is still trying to find something else but meanwhile helps me with my home business. I chose this avenue because I want to be home for my children. I can do my chores while they are at school and be available to take them to their out of school activities...mainly soccer.

For the first time in a long time, I feel like I am actually in control of my life...don't get me's a a lot of work, but I can juggle it around my schedule. I'm learning more than I knew I was able to, and enjoying the process. I hope this is a good lesson for the kids so they realise that you are never too old to learn new things.

I do believe that if you set your mind to anything you can achieve success. I have set a goal of two years for me to start seeing residual income. Wish me luck!
Hopefully I can help others to do the same, so that they can grow with me.
My kids have a real lesson to learn here....the feel good factor when you help others!

By the way...Rits is fast asleep and hasn't complained since lunch time. that means school tomorrow!


  1. Well as long as he didn't get away with not doing work, you did your job! As for The Reader, I think waiting for the DVD is fine. Everything comes out on DVD 2 weeks after it hits theatres anyway.

  2. Thanks Mike...I'm waithing to see what you have to say about the oscars.
    Go Slumdog!! This is the time for India to make it's mark on USA.
